Data Virtualization Solutions For the Savvy Entrepreneur

Johnny Garner

Savvy entrepreneurs are always on the cutting edge, whether it’s adopting a new business practice or investigating a new technology to decide whether or not it makes sense for implementing with their company. As such, if you’re a savvy entrepreneur, you’re probably already finding ways to leverage data in order to better reach and drive conversions with your existing customers. That being said, you may not be milking your data for all it’s worth if you don’t have all the right tools. For example, if you’re looking for a way to gain more insights quickly and efficiently, it may be worth looking to see if your data sources are disparate sources or if you have one unified source system.

Big data is only as powerful as the tools propping it up, so if you want to make the most of your business data, you’ll want to be sure that your business intelligence software is packed with the features you need to do more than just analytics with your data. This is where the concept of data virtuality can come in and be a major boon in your entrepreneurial efforts. Data virtuality and data virtualization solutions allow you to do a few things that ultimately benefit your business. Read on to learn more about how a data virtualization platform can make a difference in your role as an entrepreneur.

Data virtualization platforms future-proof your business.


If you want to be able to be utilizing enterprise data five or ten years from now, it’s critical that your data is in the right format. Data virtuality allows you to get your data center up and running on a cloud-based architecture. With more and more vendors offering cloud-based solutions for their software and data tools, it’s a major pain to not have your data integrated with existing online platforms. As such, data virtuality doesn’t just help you in the present, but it helps safeguard your company’s data for the future by ensuring that you’ll be able to continue to access it as more and more businesses move their tools and services online. The last thing you want to have to deal with is uploading your database to the internet each time you’re looking to pull a report. Not only does this slow down your ability to submit queries and gain insights, but it also means that when it comes to data integration you likely aren’t getting to harness the best features of your existing cloud-based technologies.

The right data virtualization solution can ensure your data is accurate and actionable.


Another benefit of virtualization when it comes to data is the way that it benefits your business processes. Having real-time access to your data services is important whether you’re an entrepreneur working for yourself or running a major enterprise. This is because organizations of any size can benefit from both the speed, efficiency, and overall data quality that comes from being able to access data in real-time rather than contending with multiple data lakes or silos. When your data is spread across disparate data sources, there’s a much higher risk of data errors, and you’re less likely to be able to use data with agility. However, when you have data virtualization software in your corner, you’re able to combine faster access with better decisions to boost your workload by leveraging a single source of truth. As such, it’s a major benefit to be able to centralize your organization’s data on a cloud-based semantic layer rather than using traditional data integration sources.

Savvy entrepreneurs know that the tools they use make a difference in their business efforts. This is why, if you’re starting to work with a higher volume of data, it’s worth looking into data virtualization software to streamline how you work with data and improve your data integration across other platforms.

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